Thank you sooooooo much for this website. I absolutely
love it!! At least once a month I check it out just to
keep me connected with what's going on in Alabama. My
parents are too old to keep up with all the new so this is
my connector. It is so cool to look - although some of
those photos of me need to be burned - what was up with
the hair? It is also great to look at how we've grown and
changed. What a wonderful opportunity to stay connected
to the people who were a part of your life for so many
years. Is there something I can do in support of the
website - financial or otherwise - let me know. Theresa
(Walker) Livingston
(submitted 2/28/2006)
I have alot of memories from MHS. We had so much
fun .I was in Mr. Pace's 6th grade class in '62. Had
Mr. Dennis for World history in the 9th grade. I miss the
old school. Think about it often. Thank you for the
memories. (submitted