70’s Party Recap

1969 – 1979 Alumni and Friends

September 24, 2005

  A decade party for all alumni and friends that attended Munford High School from 1969 through 1979 was held on Saturday, September 24, 2005 from 7:00 pm to midnight at Ft. McClellan’s Remington Hall.   

Approximately 40 people attended the party and all but a few of the classes were represented.     

A video of old yearbook photos from 1969 – 1979 was shown as our guests arrived and even though I put it together I must say it was pretty good.   I watched from across the room as our friends enjoyed the video, laughing at how young we all were and remembering all of the good times we shared so long ago. 

 We ate snacks, jumped rope, wore silly glasses, fought with swords and played around with hula hoops.  We did a lot of karaoke singing, a little line dancing, but most of the evening was spent reconnecting with old friends.   I am always amazed how the years seem to disappear when we are all together!    

Thanks so much to Chris Lathem ’73 and Wanda Smith ’77 for planning the party.   Special thanks to our classmates and friends that attended this party; because of you it was a success!    It was so wonderful to see you all and I hope we can get together again soon.   If you had fun and I think you did, please tell your friends so next time they will join us.

Written by Lyn Camp Howell

  Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.[1]

[1]Excerpt from “Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen”, by Mary Schmich:

Click Here for List of Attendees by Class

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If you want a copy of the DVD, send your name, address and $5.00 to

Lyn Camp Howell, 175 Martha's Cove, Fayetteville, GA 30215.


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MHS Class of '73




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